Mimi and Moo moo are Super Sandra's pet guinea pigs btw if u didnt know =)
Hello pepz! we're celebrating Cmas at Suchin's house at Prai, Penang cause mummy Sandra couldnt bring us back to seremban. Our huge wire cage house couldnt fit into the bus u see..so we kinda got dumped behind for 1 month. the good news is mummy is coming back on sunday to fetch us and we can go back rumah 28 and be happy and noisy with all the other human frens of hers.
we kinda hate it when humans grab us real close to their faces and keep saying- "Oh ur so fat and cute i wanna squeeze u"
hello?! we know we're cute so stop talking to us like little kids yah?
mimi is 6 months old while moo moo is 5 months already.
mommy complains that we're too obese.(mimi is the size of a rabbit by now)
the humans in rumah 28 think we're too fat too! but we cant stop eating!! food is so tempting and we think about eating last thing before we sleep and first thing when we wake up.
we are picky eaters as we only eat certain vegetables (ahem- expensive) are MUST be chilled and washed and cut nicely. (cheap rotten pasar malam vege is totally not accepted)
we bathe once every 2 weeks if mummy remembers.but we HATE baths! its so cold and yucky and we have to smell nice! thats so horrible. we like to stay smelly and spotty dirty.
our daily activities besides eating is playing!!!we play with each other everyday, our favourite game is CATCH. moo moo will run and mimi will catch and viva versa.
our wish for Christmas 2009 is this:
we seriously need to upgrade to a mansion from that small flat ugly house we currently reside in. we're gonna bug mummy to go build one for us. we have a plan and we'll tell u if it succeeds!! muahahaha *evil laugh twisting whiskers*
Please tell mummy we also would like hot wheels to travel in style. we saw this on the internet that day:
check it out!! cool huh? who wouldnt wanna ride in one of these hot smokin set of wheels?!
*yawn, its getting late and we're hungry. gonna go for midnite snack*
we wish u pepz A BLESSED CMAS and be nice to each other, dont fight and share all ur food and love always. come visit us at rumah 28 ya? =)
buhbye!! *stands on hind legs and 2 pairs of pawes waving franticly!*
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