Tuesday, August 17, 2010

to be grateful..

hi pepz,
my journey home has thought me once again to be so so grateful in life, to thank the Good Lord for pouring his blessings on my family and my life time and time again..

i remember now why i use to be SO super homesick in 1,2,3 year of uni life.. how i use to complain and curse how horrible hostel and uni life was. that was because i was so pampered in my bubble shell life i was so comfortable in. i didn't want to grow up and face the harsh realities of life.

this post is not to boast of what i have, how much i have but to BOAST of the Lord because u and i know that we are nothing if he didn't give want to give us anything.

I'm reminded that in a house that is blessed by God is made a home :

i have a beautiful garden that surrounds the entire house and its neat because daddy does gardening regularly.
i love this swing particularly because its the only thing that reminds me of my late grandparents =)

 i use to hate & detest piano lessons but now i pine and yearn to touch the keys to make music once more..
i'm thankful mom encouraged n pushed me on from organ to piano completing grade 8. to have a sense of complement and achievement in my life.

 i have my Queen size bed i sleep alone with tons of lovely stuffed animals that are presents from friends.
i sleep very soundly n peacefully when i'm home.

cars to drive without permission giving me freedom to go whereever i want, when ever i want.
its a total sense of empowerment to drive a vehicle.

being able to go shopping independently!

 being able to wake up to fresh smell of grass and read free newspapers delivered to my doorstep in pajamas!

having a cupboard full of clothes and memorabilia and not having to share with anybody gives me a sense of total privacy which i love!

mirrors all over the house . so if i feel bored just do a funny face and laugh at my own silliness!

 opening a refrigerator and discovering its packed with good food and yummy fruits! and i never needed to pay a cent to eat everything my heart desired!

having 2 full cupboards of my mom's famous SNACK storage. she has this thing about buying tons of snacks in bulk and stashing them like a chipmunk stashing nuts.

having a private bathroom with both cold rain shower and hot water heater and big mirror for my viewing pleasure! 

able to have sibling time while watching tv and munching fried ice cream without having to move an inch or say a word! ahh...estacy..

having jolly good old frens that will laugh at you and laugh with you. 
do all sorts from mamak-parties-movies-just lepaking!

waking up and knowing you will be able to see the 2 people u love the most ready at the table as usual.
it gives a sense of assurance...security and trust in a way..

there is so much more i want to be grateful for, like the computer, big tv with sound systems, air con in rooms, home cook food, washing machine, house maid, build in cabinets, electronic gate, microwave and etc..the list goes on and on... i remind u again i'm not boasting but counting my many blessings!

so many appliances and luxuries i had to cut myself away when i went to study at USM.
IT was TORTUROUS HELL in the beginning. know u know why..

but God has his plans. he placed me in Penang, on an island hundreds of miles away from home, like a alien in a faraway land, with foreign language, food and culture...away from family and all the goodies that make life easy to teach me how to rely solely on him. that i was weak and by trusting him i could actually be STRONG! stronger than i ever though i was capable of; both mentally and physically!

and that at the end of the day, when u strip away all the pleasures and wonders of the world and all things rust and fade away...
He remains firm, the same today, tomorrow and eternity.
Thank u Lord for loving me with an unconditional love and blessing me with more than i ever asked for..

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