A collection of pics of maryanne and i thoughout the years.
together we walk down memory lane...

i love my best fren with my entire heart body and soul!
i'm not afraid to tell the world that fact, i'll shout it out on the mountain top and in the midst a crowded place!
we've known each other since forever (22 years and counting) and hope to strengthen that bond of friendship for the many decades to come!
she has been there thru thick and thin, beautiful and ugly, the ups and downs. from kindy to tadika to primary to sec to form 6 and uni life. she has seen it all, heard it all. she is the sister i never had, always wanted and got =)
"a fren is not acquired by sheer strength or potential, its simply a gift from God above, priceless in every way"
her life, her presence, her smile, laughter, wisdom and love and courage has taught me many great life lessons and has partly helped shaped me into the woman i am today.
Blessed 22nd birthday my dear MARY ANNE TAN SHEE YEE!
a woman never ages into wrinkles, she ages with grace and wisdom.
[rock on babeh!]
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