Sunday, June 17, 2012

roti ais krim childhood memories

dear darling readers.

i sincerely wanna thank u for all your well wishes, support, msges and love sent from near and far after reading about my recent situation.
i'm into my 2nd week of teaching n i go without expectations so the disappointment wont be great.
to ease the mind n soothe the heart i always think about ice cream (use to eat EVERYDAY in pg but only weekend now that living conditions have changed DRASTICALLY!) hahahaha! lolx!
continue to pray for me and keep me updated about ur life too!!  :D

creative cheap sinful delight <3

only chocolate my fav flavour with peanut n choco chip toppings.

sometimes, all it takes is the simple & small things in life to make u SOOO happy and contented :))
good9 world.

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