PEOPLE THESE days are either stupid, sick or seriously screwed up...they need help and u'll understand why
Man who was dad at 14 set to be grandpa at 29
A 29-year old man who became a dad at 14 is set to become Britain’s youngest grandfather after his 14-year-old daughter announced her pregnancy.
According to the
Daily Mail, the man’s daughter and her boyfriend both attend the same school in South Wales, and their baby is due in August.

While the unnamed granddad-to-be admits he was shocked when his daughter announced her pregnancy, he is now looking forward to welcoming the new arrival.
"It’s quite mad. I’m about to be a granddad. I was 14 when my daughter was born, and now she’s having a baby," he said.
"She is very young, but she was determined to keep the child. I quite like the idea of being the youngest granddad in Britain, but at the same time I’m fuming that she is pregnant."
"I know myself how tough it is being a teenage parent and now she has to go through the same thing."
The unnamed girl has said she is planning to remain at school until she welcomes her baby and hopes to return as soon as possible.
Source: madeformums.comImage Source: Man seeks cop cover from sex-crazed wife
A Turkish man living in Germany with his wife of 18 years went to police for protection from her insatiable appetite for sex.
According to the
Bild newspaper, the man went to police in the southwestern German city of Waiblingen on Tuesday.

He told police he had been sleeping on a sofa for the past four years in a futile attempt to escape the voracious sexual demands of his wife.
German police said the exhausted man - who fathered two children with his wife - decided to get a divorce and move out of the home.
"He has decided to get a divorce and to move out, in the hope of finally getting some rest, particularly as he is anxious to arrive at work well rested," police said.
"At the moment this is impossible because he says his wife keeps coming into the living room demanding that he perform his marital duties."
"He asked for police help in getting some sleep at night," police added.
Source: Afghan children fed with opium

Aziza feeding her son with pure opium
Afghan children are fed with pure opium while the adults take it to work longer hours.
"If I don't give him opium he doesn't sleep and he doesn't let me work," a mother Aziza told CNN, explaning why she gave the drug to her four-year-old son Omaidullah.
"We give the children opium whenever they get sick as well," she said.
Aziza comes from a poor family of carpet weavers in Balkh province. She has no education, no idea of the health risks involved or that opium is addictive.
With no real medical care in these parts and the high cost of medicine, all the families out here have to slove their "problems" is opium.

Rozigul is undergoing a detox programme with her son
It is a cycle of addiction passed on through generations.
Balkh is famous for its carpets. It is so remote there are no real roads and the dirt ones that exist are often blocked by landslides.
The closest drug rehabilitation centre is a four-hour drive away. But it has just 20 beds and a handful of staff.
"Opium is nothing new here. It's an old tradition, something of a religion in some areas," said Dr Mohamed Daoud Rated, coordinator of the centre.
"People use opium as drugs or medicine. If a child cries, they give him opium, if they can't sleep, they use opium, if an infant coughs, they give him opium."
The centre is running an outreach program to the areas that are most afflicted.
Carpet weaver Rozigul, 30, is in the detox programme with her three-year-old son Babagildi.
"When I was pregnant with this baby I was using drugs. So he was born addicted and was always crying.
"I would try to keep him quiet and make him sleep, so I just kept feeding him opium," she said.
Her addicted mother-in-law shares the bed next to her.
Source and photos:
Mom plays game on FB as baby drowns

Shannon Johnson told police she was playing Cafe World on Facebook while her child drowned
A mother has been charged with child abuse and negligence in related to the death of her one-year-old son in the United States.
Shannon Johnson, 34, told police that she was playing the game Café World on Facebook in the living room after putting the boy in the bathtub.
The son was found drown soon after, in the Sept 20 incident last year.

Colorado's Weld County district attorney's office said Johnson has been charged with child abuse and recklessly causing death.
Johnson requested a lawyer during a hearing on Friday.
She is being held on US$100,000 (RM306,050) bond.
An investigator said Johnson told him that she went to check on the son when she did not hear him.
She found the boy sideways with his face in the water.
Source: AP / Agencies
Woman takes off pants to hit cops

Chu attacked policemen with her pants.
A woman, who attacked a police officer in China with her pants, has been sentenced to eight months in prison.
In a video uploaded onto the Internet, she is seen naked waist down and using her pants, which she took off, to whip policemen and a police car.
One of them suffered a concussion and blacked out.
The woman, whose surname is Chu, created a scene in Nanjing at noon last August when police officers tried to take her to the police station.
According to website China Smack, Chu had accidently hit a man while trying to run a red light at the Zhongyang North Road overpass.
She said that "he wanted compensation and I would only agree to pay him 2 RMB (RM0.90), so he called the police."
Fearing her electric tricycle would be impounded, Chu took off her pants and started attacking the police officers by whipping them with it.
She also started shoving the officers.
One of the police officers, who looked at the opposite direction as she was naked waist down, lost consciousness after being hit by Chu and was rushed to the hospital.
He is reportedly suffering from a superficial injury to his head and a concussion.
Chu did not realise she had gotten herself into serious trouble until she was arrested.
"At the time, I was naked from the waist down, and a lot of people were looking at us.
"The cop was a guy, and he didn't dare face me. I used this kind of method to threaten the traffic officer, so he wouldn't be able to do his job."
China Smack reported that Chu, who is from Langxi county of Anhui province, came to Nanjing to make a living but did not manage to find a job as she is illiterate.
She survived by picking up garbage and panhandling around a train station.
Source: AsiaOne Man travels the world with 6 sex dolls
A man has spent more than US$26,000 (RM80,600) to travel across England and America with his six sex dolls.
No kidding. Dave Hockey, 57, has travelled with his girlfriends to Stonehenge, the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls.
Hockey, who is married and from Nova Scotia, Canada, flew 'Realdoll' Bianca and 'Teddy Babe Deluxe' Carey to Britain for trips to Oxford, Wiltshire and Abergavenny, Wales.
Hockey, who also has a 2-year-old son, told the British tabloid
The Sun, "My wife understands it is a hobby... She isn't threatened by the dolls she knows I'm not going to run off with an 80-pound (36-kg) piece of silicone shaped like a woman," he said.
During the Holiday,Hockey took his silicon girlfriend Bianca worth US$3,239 (RM10,000) sky diving, horseback riding and for a spin on the back of a Harley Davidson.
Hockey added, "I purchased my first dolls in November 2006. They looked cute... I think the dolls are pretty - any man is lying if he says they aren't."
He has also bought US$2,026 (RM6,280) worth of glamorous outfits for the dolls - from lingerie to pairs of stilettos.
Source: The Korean Herald/ANN Going cheap: A house full of snakes

This house where thousands of snakes dwell, is on cheap sale
The Chase Bank in the US is selling a house in Rexburg, Idaho, for US$66,000 (RM201,415) less than its estimated value of US$175,000 (RM534,056) because it's infested with thousands of snakes.
The home went into foreclosure after owners Benjamin and Amber Sessions were forced into bankruptcy.
"We were told that the previous owners in there didn't want to make their payment because they made up a story that there were snakes there, that they didn't want to pay their mortgage so they made up a snake story," Benjamin Sessions said.

Garter snakes are not poisonous and are harmless to humans
The couple was also informed that every precaution was taken to ensure there wasn't a snake problem. They trusted the real estate agent that the information they had been told was true.
Later, the Sessions learned that the story of the snakes was not made up, and there was a problem.
The reptile occupants are believed to be common garter snakes, a type found throughout the US.
They are not poisonous and are harmless to humans. But, according to a pest inspector, thousands are living in the house.
Realty Quest associate broker Todd Davis is now faced with the daunting task of trying to sell it.
He said he has no reason to disbelieve the accounts of hundreds of snakes sandwiched between the house and its exterior siding and piles of the reptiles in the crawlspace.
"I think the snakes got into a spot and decided to make it their home, now they’ve invited all their friends," he said.
On his potential buyer, Davis said: "I guess I need a snake lover. Or someone with multiple mongooses."
Joe Collins, director of the Centre for North American Herpetology in Lawrence, Kansas, said it is likely that the house was built on a snake den site.
"Snakes have a great deal of fidelity to the den site," he said. "They’re born near there and they return each fall to den up and avoid the cold."
The snakes are not likely to relocate, voluntarily or otherwise.
Even if the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, which oversees reptiles in the state, agreed to dislodge the garters, some snakes will remain and reproduce, restarting the cycle, Collins said.
Watch the previous owners discussing their snake house - then valued at US$109,000 -
Source: Agencies Dentist shows cleavage to ease pain

Check out the hot dentist and staffers at The Relax & Smile dental clinic in Munich
A creative dentist and her hot nurses in Munich, Germany have traded in their uniforms to cleavage-maximising 'Alpine lounge'-themed outfits in a supposed bid to ease their patients' pain.
According to
Metro, Dr Marie-Catherine Klarkowski, who runs The Relax & Smile dental clinic came up with the idea for herself and her 10 assistants after visiting an Oktoberfest event featuring barmaids in revealing 'dirndls'.
Klarkowski said: "The most important thing is to take away patients' fear. The sight of cleavages gets patients narcotised and distracted from the pain rather quickly."
"Some patients' mouths are already wide open on entering the practice... The competition doesn't sleep. I know colleagues who have decorated their whole practice with Mickey Mouse and one even in Star Trek style."

Cleavage-bearing dentist Dr Marie-Catherine Klarkowski
One of her nurses Larisa Hrustic added: "I much prefer working in a dirndl. I enjoy looking good at work and it's a lot more fun since we had the new outfits."
The Relax & Smile practice has reportedly seen a rise of a third in its number of clients - all men - since the change.
Image source: Man lies under train...for kicks

It looks like people will do anything for attention nowadays.
A man in an undetermined location lay on the railway tracks and let a train run over him, for fun, according to
The Sun.
The video, posted on
YouTube, shows him position himself lengthways between the tracks while the carriages thunder over the top of him.
In the 56-second clip, the man, who is wearing a hooded jacket, dark trousers and black shoes, is seen looking up nervously as a freight train can be heard approaching in the background.
After the train thunders past, mere inches from his head, the man casually checks himself for injuries, jumps up, collects his camera and runs off.
In the background, viewers can hear the train screech to a halt out of shot.
While it is uncertain whether the video was shot in the UK, Network Rail today branded the stunt as "stupidity in the extreme".
A spokesman said: "It doesn't bear thinking about what would have happened if the turbulence created had swept the man's coat up into the underside of the train.
"Not only that but think about the effect on the train driver who believes he has just killed somebody.
"Nobody who has any regard for their own safety or the feelings of others should attempt a stunt like this.
"It is stupidity in the extreme."
Most YouTube users were also outraged, with many branding the video's 'star' — who appears to be in his 20s — as "crazy" and an idiot.
Many said they thought he would not live long if he continued indulging his death-defying hobby.
One wrote: "Dude i will never do that in my life because 1 slightest movement could get you ripped to pieces."
Another added: "How bored, dumb and suicidal do you have to be to try something like this?
"If you're that dumb you shouldn't be allowed outside, and if you want to die that much seek help."
Source: The Sun Mom presents 'virgin' daughter to husband

The mother, who is accused to have helped the husband rape her daughter
A mother sent her 17-year-old daughter for a hymen-repair operation before arranging for her husband to rape the girl.
She also allegedly asked the girl to pose nude for the 37-year-old man.
The teenager said this in a court hearing in Hong Kong after rape charges were filed against her stepfather.
She said her parents had divorced when she was seven years old, after which her mother married the accused.
When she was 16, she said her 39-year old mother persuaded her to have sex with her stepfather.
"My mother wanted to fulfill his wish to bed a virgin, so she asked me to have sex with him but I was already not one, by then" she said.
She said when her mother found out, she forced her to get her hymen 'fixed' and threatened to cut off her fingers if she refused.
The girl eventually agreed to undergo the surgery in May last year.
After that, her mother planned a family holiday to Cheung Chau, with the aim of getting her husband to have sex with the girl.
The man, however, could not wait and raped the teenager at their home.
The teenager told the court that she had complained about the rape to her mother but she did not do anything to help her.
She then lodged a police report as advised by her boyfriend and a social worker.
The defence counsel, however, said the teenager had made up the story after her stepfather refused to buy her a laptop.
The court hearing continues.
Source: Ming Pao Two men forced to kneel beside dog's carcass

Two men in a van were forced to kneel to 'honour' a dead poodle for one hour after the van they were in ran over it in China.
Witnesses said the dog owner asked for 5,000 yuan (RM2,323) in compensation.
He said he bought the dog for 4,000 yuan (RM1,858) and added 1,000 yuan (RM465) for feeding expenses.
After learning that the two did not have enough money, he demanded that they kneel fto 'honour' the carcass or one hour.
"He kicked the driver on the leg and the driver knelt down, and the other man followed suit," said a witness surnamed Guan.
Police were called, but the dog owner and the driver told them they had already made a deal.

One hour later, the owner took away his dog's body and the drivers stood up and drove away.
The incident took place at a busy intersection in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu province last week, local news portal reported.
"The poodle came out of nowhere, so sudden that the driver probably had no idea what was going on," a witness said.
Yan Guoya, a lawyer, said it was a demoralising incident, and that the van driver could ask for an apology or something to safeguard their legal rights by law.
Crocodile swallows mobile phone
Workers at a Ukrainian aquarium didn't believe it when a visitor said a crocodile swallowed her phone. Then the reptile started ringing.
The accident in the eastern city of Dnipropetrovsk sounds a bit like "Peter Pan," in which a crocodile happily went "tick-tock" after gulping down an alarm clock.
But Gena, the 14-year-old croc who swallowed the phone, has hardly been living a fairy tale: He hasn't eaten or had a bowel movement in four weeks and appears depressed and in pain.
Gena noshed on the Nokia phone after Rimma Golovko dropped it in the water. She had stretched out her arm, trying to snap a photo of Gena opening his mouth, when the phone slipped.

Gena has been refusing food and acting listless
"This should have been a very dramatic shot, but things didn't work out," she said.
Employees were skeptical when Golovko told them what happened.
"But then the phone started ringing and the sound was coming from inside our Gena's stomach and we understood she wasn't lying," said Alexandra, an employee who declined to give her last name as she wasn't authorised to speak publicly.
Since then, Gena has been refusing food and acting listless. He also won't play with three fellow African crocodiles, despite being the leader in the group.

The crocodile in
"His behaviour has changed," Alexandra said. "He moves very little and swims much less than he used to."
Doctors tried to whet the crocodile's appetite this week by feeding him live quail rather than the pork or beef he usually gets once a week.
The quail were injected with vitamins and a laxative, but while Gena smothered one bird, he didn't eat it.
Dnipropetrovsk chief veterinarian Oleksandr Shushlenko said the crocodile will be taken for an X-ray next week if he continues to refuse food.
Surgically removing the phone would be a last resort, he said, since incisions and stitches usually take at least three weeks to heal in reptiles and the procedure is dangerous for the animal and the vets.
"Everything will depend on where the foreign body is located," Shushlenko said.
"We don't have much experience working with such large animals."
The crocodile in "Peter Pan" with the ticking stomach was on the hunt for Captain Hook after getting a taste of the pirate's flesh from eating one of his hands.
But luckily for Hook, he could always hear the crocodile coming.
Source: APToy puppy sings 'F' word

Leigh McPherson with the toy dog she bought for her daughter.
British Mum Leigh McPherson bought a singing toy puppy for her baby daughter - and was horrified when it started swearing.
The cuddly My Pal Violet turned the air blue when Leigh pressed its paw to trigger its first song.
It sang: "If you're happy and you know it f*** with me, if you're happy and you know it f**k with me, if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it f*** with me!"
Leigh, 20, of Banbury, Oxon, said: "I couldn't believe it. I played it back three or four times. There is no mistaking what Violet is saying."
The single mum, who hoped the £22 toy from Asda would help four-month-old Mia talk, has now contacted the makers. She said: "The toy is American so the voice has a US accent. They say it's actually saying 'bark'. But to anyone in the UK it sounds like the F word. They are sending me another model they say definitely doesn't swear."
Leigh added: "The biggest problem I've got now is my friends, who all want to play with Violet because they think it's hilarious."
LeapFrog Toys apologised. A spokeswoman said: "To avoid future voice misinterpretations a new recording is now on the shelves
Woman paralysed by love bite

Love bites can be dangerous. Pic from
A woman was temporarily paralysed by a LOVE BITE on her neck.
The 44-year-old New Zealander took herself to hospital after losing movement in her left arm while watching television.
Doctors found she had suffered a mild stroke — but were puzzled about its cause until they found a small bruise on her neck near a major artery.
She told them it was a love bite she received a few days earlier.
Teddy Wu, of the Middlemore Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand, said: "Because it was a love bite there would be a lot of suction.
"Because of the physical trauma it had made a bit of bruising inside the vessel.
"There was a clot in the artery underneath where the hickey was."
Wu said the clot dislodged and caused a minor stroke that led to the loss of movement.
He added: "We looked around the medical literature and that example of having a love bite causing something like that hasn't been described before."
The medic said the woman recovered after being treated with an anti-coagulant.
'Rent-a-husband' service for single women
A new business in Georgia is offering single women who need household help the chance to hire 'husbands' by the hour - but the company's owner admits that all that some of his customers need is love.
"Our service is here to assist those women who need help with tough housekeeping tasks, such as for example minor repair works," company owner Beso Mchedlishvili told
But he said that many women had been confused by the company's name - A Husband for an Hour Limited - and had been asking for something more.

Georgian men carrying freshly-harvested grapes
Since going into business in the ex-Soviet republic two months ago, the number of calls from women seeking a more intimate hour has significantly exceeded the orders for the company's actual services.
"So we have to explain to them that our guys are not male prostitutes," Mchedlishvili said.
"They can help with repairing a leaking tap, but their job description says nothing about providing affection."
Hiring out a 'husband' from the Tbilisi-based company costs US$17 dollars (RM72) an hour, Mchedlishvili said.
Source: AFP Dog meat eaters and sellers exposed in Taiwan

A man preparing dog meat for his customers
Two illegal dog abattoirs in Taiwan were found to be killing at least 500 canines a month.
One of the shops also cooked the meat for the customers. Braised dog intestines was its specialty.
Another shop only sold frozen dog meat. A packet, weighing some 2kg, cost about NT$500 (RM52.50).
The shops - located in Pingtung - which only catered to regular customers, also provided home delivery services.

One of the abattoirs located in a secluded place
They were run by two families.
The operators would catch the dogs and kept them elsewhere and sent them to the abbatoir before dawn to be slaughtered.
Members from the Kaohsiung Concern for Stray Animals Association (KCSAA) went on an undercover mission to collect evidence.
They pretended to be dog meat lovers, and went to the shops with their friends who frequented the premises.
When they arrived at a shop, several customers were there waiting for their food to be served while discussing whether long-fur dogs tasted better then those with short fur.

A young man (right) weighing the dog legs to a customer
At the other shop - operated by a 50-year-old man surnamed Wang - the members found a lot of dog organs and meat in the fridge
According to local residents, Wang would tie up the dogs before drowning them in a pool in front of his house.
Wang's shop slaughtered some 500 dogs a month while the other killed several dozens a week.
Evidence gathered by the association have been handed over to the authorities.
Source: KCSAA website / Agencies Horn growing on man's head

The growing horn on Huang Yuanfan's head
A man in China has a bizarre 7.62cm horn protruding from his head - and it is still growing.
Huang Yuanfan, 84, of Ziyuan, China, said his horn began growing two years ago. He said while it was still a small bump, he tried picking at it and even filing it, but to no avail.
"Doctors say they don't know what caused it, but if they try to take it off it will just grow back,"
AOL News quoted Huang as saying.
"I try to hide it under a hat, but if it gets much longer it will be sticking out at the top," he said.
Source: ANI