Friday, June 15, 2012

Megan Fox workouts and diet secrets

 Megan Fox workouts and diet secrets

What you need to know

Megan Fox Fitness secrets
Megan Fox workouts routines and diet plans

Megan Fox's workouts and diet tells that her personal trainer that tried to make Megan do a time compressed body-weight routine.Her trainer understood what she needed to look sexy and be slim, without adding weight.Megan Fox's height is 5’6″ (1.67 m) and her weight was 114 lbs (51.82 kg) during the filming of Transformers.Spartacus Workout is also amazingly effective for females who are aiming for a Megan type figure.Her workout routine relied more on plank training.Planks are by far the best move for women to get sexy, flat abs like Megan.

Workouts Routines and Equipments

Sports gives me positive energy so I exercise everyday with my trainer She said.The actress spends 30 minutes of her time doing cardio exercises that flatten and tone her abs. She begins with some warm-up movements like butterfly crunch or front planks and then she gets down to business with knee-ups, leg swings and ball leg lifts. These are meant to work on the upper part of her body. She then mixes the cardio moves with Pilates or cycling for another 30 – 45 minutes to round out her workout. Megan hired a personal trainer who had her do a time compressed body-weight routine. This is a very similar routine that many of the stars are doing, because it is geared toward the slim and sexy look, as opposed to the typical bodybuilder look, which is bulky and less attractive. This type of workout is great for burning fat, and male and female celebrities alike are big time users of these style workouts.


Dieting Routines and Supplements

Megan is careful about her daily meals and really focuses on eating a healthy breakfast so she has lots of energy and doesn’t overeat later on in the day.  She loves eggs and usually has them every day.  Megan is also a fan of almonds because she knows they contain filling protein and fiber. They’re also a good source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that will boost the effectiveness of her abs routine effectiveness.  She’s a fan of lean protein sources and eats lots of veggies and fruits to keep her full.Megan Fox’s diet had a good amount of fat. She ate an ounce of almonds and a few eggs ever day while preparing for her role in Transformers.She just stuck to whole foods without eating grains.

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