Friday, June 15, 2012

Nargis Fakhri workouts and diet secrets

 Nargis Fakhri workouts and diet secrets

What you need to know:
Nargis Fakhri fitness secrets  
Nargis Fakhri workouts routines and diet plans
Nargis Fakhri workouts and diet secrets. Nargis Fakhri’s father is a Pakistani national and her mother is a Czech.In terms of career, Nargis has been an American Fashion model & actress. Nargis Fakhri is the new face in bollywood. After Nargis debut film “Rockstar” with Ranbir Kapoor which has proved to be a blockbuster. She has been in the limelight for quite a lot. When I came here in 2010, I was so tiny everybody wanted to feed me. But I am not unhealthy. I kept my weight very low because in the modelling world in the West, they want thinner women. It took me a while to adjust to this new body. But I am glad there is no pressure to stay slim anymore. When I put on weight, I say 'that's enough' and put myself on a regime — no junk food, no eating out. I think I am very lucky because if I can just correct my food intake, my body will snap back into shape.

Workouts Routines and Equipments 
Fitness is 70-80 percent diet and the rest is exercise. I find it boring to go to the gym and prefer to be active. I find it boring to go to the gym and prefer to be active. In America, I played tennis, volleyball, soccer with the guys and walked everywhere. I wouldn't drive and I also had a bicycle with a basket and went grocery shopping on it. I find it difficult to do all this in Mumbai because of the weather and the pollution. Nargis Fakhri is crazy about dance, in her childhood days, she participated in many dance competitions. So whenever She gets time from her busy schedule, she starts her dance session on her favourite numbers. She believes that dance keep her fit and slim.

Dieting Routines and Supplements 

Now my schedule is so hectic I don't get to do much. Last week, I was in Delhi and I had three plates of butter chicken with six chapattis and daalchaawal. Then I went to my room and had rasmalai. It was ecstasy.But usually I take  three meals a day.

  • Breakfast: Two fried eggs with cheese, a ham sandwich.
  • Snacks: Two chocolate bars.
  • Lunch: Salmon, chicken or fish with mashed potatoes and salad.
  • Snack2 :  A chocolate cake with jalapenos.
  • Dinner:  vegetables such as palak aalo, rajma and daal with four chapattis.
 If I eat too much at night, I don't sleep well. If I eat a full meal, I wait for two hours before going to sleep.

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