MJ Executors are 'Criminals'
Randy Jackson just came out swinging against the people in charge of the Michael Jackson Estate -- claiming the executors are "criminals" who falsified documents for their own personal gain ... but it's looking like Randy's plot is quickly crashing and burning.
Jackson just spoke with Al Sharpton on MSNBC's "Politics Nation" ... and tried to explain why he and his siblings are trying to overthrow John Branca and John McClain.
"We feel there is criminal misconduct," Jackson said ... claiming the executors had a hand in faking MJ's will ... and Randy believes he can prove it because Michael was in NY on the day he supposedly signed the document in L.A.
Problem is ... Randy's argument has a GIANT flaw ... the "mistake" he's pointing to is based on a witness who merely forgot what city he was in at the time the will was signed.
There are witnesses who saw MJ sign the will ... and it has been validated by the court.
But even if Randy and his siblings were to get the will invalidated ... MJ's old will cuts them out of MJ's fortune too ... and it appoints Branca executor.
Multiple sources tell TMZ ... the situation is simply a money grab by MJ's siblings who know that once Katherine Jackson dies ... MJ's money goes in trusts for his kids. Randy and co. will never get a dime.
Randy kept saying they are a family. Paris begs to differ, because she just tweeted, "'Family' they said." Can you feel the sarcasm? And apparently Randy hasn't read our website ... that Tito has already jumped the "family" ship.
TJ Jackson Wants Temporary Guardianship Of Michael Jackson's Kids
And it keeps getting messier. The executors of Michael Jackson's Estate and his three kids, Prince, Paris and Blanket all want the court to give Tito's son and the Hot Slut of my heart, TJ Jackson, temporary guardianship, because they believe that their aunties and uncles have kidnapped Katherine Jackson. Meanwhile, Katherine Jackson is far from the drama in Arizona and busy worrying about whether or not she's going tobeat Rebbie's ass in a game of Uno.
TMZ says that 34-year-old TJ Jackson, who is married with two children, is having his lawyers put together the legal documents and he's expected to file them any day now. Michael Jackson's Estate and MJ's kids all want TJ to take over as guardian until all this messy drama gets cleaned up. If it ever will (this is the Jackson family we're talking about, it never will). All of this went down just hours after Janet Jackson went crazy on Paris Jackson by trying to snatch away her cell phone.
So if the kids want the always gorgeous TJ Jackson to be their guardian, does that mean Tito isn't in on the kidnapping scheme? Or maybe the kids specifically said they want TJ Jackson's luscious otter brows to be their guardian, because his eyebrows would probably do the best job and they look pretty maternal. And you might be wondering where Detective La Toya is in all of this. Shhh, don't say anything, but she's deep, deep, deep undercover and is creeping through the cobblestone streets to get to the bottom of EVERYTHING. Don't blow her cover!
We now have details about the incident. Sources who were there say two SUVs with Randy, Jermaine and Janet inside, followed a car driving Michael Jackson's 3 kids inside the gates. We're told Randy, Jermaine and Janet did not have authority to enter.
Once on the grounds, we're told MJ's 3 siblings tried to strong-arm Paris, Prince and Blanket. Their mission was to get them in an SUV and take them to Arizona, where Katherine has been staying.
Our sources say at one point Janet tried to grab a resistant Paris' cell phone, a scuffle ensued and Janet slapped the teenager, screaming, "You're a spoiled little bitch!" We're told Paris fired back with her own slap and told Janet, "This is our house. Not the Jackson family house. Get the f**k out!"
At the same time, we're told Trent Jackson, who was at the house, tried to stop an aggressive Randy and Jermaine. We're told Trent put Randy in a headlock and punched Jermaine in the mouth.
The Jackson Family Is Still A Mess
TMZ says that this picture was taken outside of the Jackson family compound in Calabasas, CA and shows Janet Jackson screaming some shit at Jermaine Jackson after the cops showed up to the house. If you put your ear to that picture, you can almost hear Janet screaming, "No, my first name ain't Baby. It's Janet!"
The L.A. County Sheriff's department showed up to the house yesterday, because one unnamed Jackson accused another unnamed Jackson of whoopin' their ass. Oh, it was probably just Killer Joe Jackson whipping another Jackson in the mouth with his belt for not passing the remote control fast enough... or for looking at him funny... or for not having his money on time... or for speaking without permission...or for being one of his kids. You know how Joe is. TMZ doesn't say which Jacksons were involved, but the fight could've been because of the Jackson family's latest messy situation.
Janet, Jermaine, Randy and two other Jackson kids are trying to unseat the current executors of Michael Jackson's estate. They sent a letter asking the executors to kindly suck on a cold asshole as they exit stage left. Michael Jackson didn't even leave his brothers and sisters a drop of Jesus Juice in his will, so some say they're trying to get their claws on that money. One of Radar's sources said this:
"Katherine is currently in Arizona with Rebbie and is being pressured by Randy and Jermaine to go public with her dissatisfaction with the executors of Michael's estate. Remember, Michael intentionally left all of his siblings out of his will, and that absolutely infuriates Jermaine and Randy who are both desperate for cash.Katherine actually dropped her contesting of the will at the behest of these same children who got her to fire Burt Levitch, a lawyer who was challenging the will, and hire Adam Streisand, a lawyer who immediately withdrew the objections and let all time delays run. These are the very same kids, along with Janet, who signed a letter recently criticizing advisors and her current counsel, Perry Sanders, for NOT challenging the will. They themselves were responsible for dropping the prior challenge and letting crucial deadlines run long before Sanders was hired. Not only do they refuse to take responsibility for having the initial challenge dropped, they now want to rewrite history and act as if someone new is causing the problem. However, the children are in her ear 24/7, so it's possible that they could be successful in influencing Katherine to do something.The siblings' motivation for this very public battle with the executors is all about money, that is all. They are determined to do whatever it takes to try and gain access to the money."
This is the reason why Katherine Jackson is hiding out in Arizona, and the executors of MJ's estate believe the kids moved her there to brainwash her against them. It gets even MORE dramatic and I swear it's like Oliver Stone is directing the latest Jackson family disaster.
Katherine Jackson's lawyer issued a statement to TMZ this morning claiming that for the past 3 years, several of her kids have been concocting a "diabolical plan" (cut to Detective La Toya raising her monocle to her eye) to push her and her grandchildren out of their Calabasas mansion. The statement is long and it's best if you read it in the mysterious yet soothing voice of Keith Morrison.
"Yesterday afternoon certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson’s home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson’s children. After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael’s children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands. Out of concern for the well being of Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson, the children were forced to temporarily leave their home and taken to a safe location. An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene.Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson have not heard from their grandmother since she left their home nine days ago to attend a series of her sons’ concerts on their Unity Tour. She never made the shows. Despite efforts to interview Katherine Jackson at her current location in Arizona yesterday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs confirmed that they were denied access to Mrs. Jackson by security for one of her children. We are acutely concerned about the welfare of Mrs. Jackson, and most particularly with Michael's minor children.We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances. While we do not have standing to directly intervene, we have monitored the situation and will continue to do so. We believe measures are being put in place that will help protect them from what they are having to deal with."
And here's some video from GMA this morning of Janet and JermaineRandy getting crazy at the house:
Crashing through gates? Snatching cell phones from children? Isn't that a mission on Grand Theft Auto: Calabasas? Why are these bitches so crazy? Why are these bitches so dramatic? Don't get me wrong, I love a bitch who can concoct a good diabolical plan, but if Randy and Jermaine spent as much time on actually working as they have on concocting diabolical plans, their careers might not be floating on a lake of toilet water. Is it really that serious? Can't they just stop the crazy, join hands and singHeal the World together?
I'm Backing Out
of My Siblings' Plot
Tito says, "I completely retract my signature from the July 17th letter sent to the Executors of my brother Michael's estate and repudiate all the claims made against them."
He adds, "I don't want any part of that letter whatsoever."
The letter Tito is referencing was signed by Jermaine, Janet, Rebbie and Randy ... and accused the executors of failing at their job and stressing out their mother, Katherine Jackson, so badly that she suffered a "mini-stroke."
We broke the story ... Tito's son, TJ, is preparing legal docs so he can ask a judge to become the temporary guardian of Michael's 3 kids.
We're also told Jackie is having second thoughts about the plot to overthrow the Estate.
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