Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Worst day in school

today was the worst sch day ever!
i'm so tired of all this bullshit i decided to just make it short.

my car alarm suddenly went berserk non stop screeching, i had to walk in tight pretty shoes to shops far away in pulau tikus to find it closed and shut n walked back to gurney again to fix n now my toes are bleeding,

in school i was thrown TONS of unimaginable work-mostly work that senior teachers had to do but they pushed to us trainees cause they think we're dumb. i have not even finished my lesson plans n i need to worry about student's welfare, sponsorships for greenathon, dance recital for retirement (they are fighting with other groups) and painting of walls and producing and editing movie of principal's life (today half the data got attacked by virus and deleted by itself)!! SO SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTT all my hard work washed away..

i didnt get to EAT anything solid today due to busyness of classes and doing rubbish work
i accidently fell asleep twice and i think i'm on the CCTV of principal..

NEWS of the day?
my form 2 student reported to me that another classmate had KUTU (head lice) and i said stop gossiping and went to look for myself..OH LORD , when i went for a closer look, there was a MANIFESTATION OF BILLIONZ OF WHITE, SILVER and BLACK worms (lice) crawling furiously on her hairband, scalp and side of head...

i was so scarred and mortified i went to report it immediately!! i was so scared that it would jump on me i asked Nesha to check my head on the spot to see whether i was also infected!! OMG!! if u were there u would scream like a girl and goosebumps will arise!

 So, next time if ur frens or students or child gets infected, here are some useful info i googled:

Head Lice live on human beings. They can be spread quickly by using the hat, comb or brush of an infected person or by close contact.  Lice may crawl or fall onto clothing, bedding, towels or furniture ad spread that way.


How can you tell if your child has head lice?
The best way to tell is to carefully inspect your child’s hair and scalp for live little brown or gray bugs.  The insects cling tightly to the hair and crawl quickly along the shaft. You want to examine  the hair close to the scalp and roots.  The eggs are called nits and are attached to hair strands.They usually are oval and yellow or white.  Sometimes nits can be found in the warm crease behind behind the ear.  The nits hatch after a week.
Sometomes a characteristic rash will erupt all along the hairline.
If you believe  your child has head lice follow these simple instructions  on what to do.
USE an anti-lice shampoo and follow the package directions carefully. Most products are used on dry hair. The hair needs to be saturated with the shampoo.  Scrub the scalp with the shampoo for ten minutes.  Make sure you actually leave the shampoo on for a solid ten minutes.Rinse the hair and dry it. Repeat the process in 7 days to  prevent reinfection.
Make sure that the nits are dead before trying to remove them by waiting 8 hours after shampooing the hair with the lice shampoo. Remove the nits by backcombing hte hair with a fine tooth comb or pulling them out individually.  Lice in hte eyelashes can be dealt with by putting petroleum jelly on eyelashes  twice daily for 8 days.
Adult lice can not survive more than 24 hours away from the human body. The Nits can survive up to 2 weeks. Clean the house by vacuuming your child’s  room. Soak combs and brushes in anti-lice shampoo or get new ones. Wash sheets, blankets and pillow cases in hot water. Items that can not be washed should be sealed in  plastic bag for 2 weeks.
Check everyone who lives in the  household for lice. Treat anyone with active lice or an itchy scalp rash.
School policies differ.  Some schools have a no nit policy but in general children may return to school after the shampoo treatment and there are no live insects.
The LICE return.

i also found out MANY GIRLS IN SCHOOL HAVE KUTU PROBLEMS and i always go near them..dang..moral of the story: OPEN my eyes and pray for a clean uninfested head..AMEN.

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