Sunday, June 13, 2010

happy belated birthday to ME

hello dear pepz!!
missed me eh? Guess wat i did on my birthday?
no big party, no surprise bang bangs, no fireworks, no clowns! haha
all i did was cut a SLICE of cake (nobody even bought me a whole cake) and headed off to Melacca for food and shopping with my simple family.
the next day Grace gave me a free haircut and we went for fish spa..

thats the MOST simple birthday i ever had in my life all 23 years of it.
no one sang a song to me, no cake cutting ceremony and no fren (outside family) gave me a present.
i'm happy tho for the 300 over msges on my hp and fb put together!
now u must be thinking, aww how pathethic, sandra u must be super sad since u like the happening things!!
the answer is NO, i feel just fine.
probably as u get older u adjust and lower ur expectations in life and u kinda enjoy low key events when u dont need to get all hyped up about throwing a party or looking super pretty in photos!! so it was kind of a relief!!

 my slice of cake courtesy of yee lin

this is how u look on ur birthday- older and wiser! haha

 welcome to Jonker st melacca! (tons of shopping to do here, handicrafts, old things and food!!!)

 daddy trying to read his msg..looks so funny @ tesco

i got myself a nice BR ice cream for lunch! Sam got his fav burger king set!

family pic!! it was a hot hot sweaty day and it was so hard to get a random person to take this photo for me!!

tea time- nyonya laksa. curry and oh so yummy chendul with dark melacca sugar

oh yes, this is mat salleh celup..trying to act like orang putih!

met the melacca couzzies wei and may

ate a wonderful spicy dinner called satay celup..its the same concept like steamboat or lok lok but the soup instead is spicy peanut sauce! a must try in melacca!

its eaten with bread and cucumbers for the countering effects of meat heaty-ness

and there u have 2 sweaty cousins sitting side by side digging into good food!

presents from the family!!

this is wai xin's bit my hair..haha, nolar gracy gave me a haircut so my hair is thinner and dries faster!

then we went for fish spa..omg..the fish was GODZILLA size, well beggers cant be choosers cause sban only has this one at super cheap price..2 ppl RM 25

initially we were so scared the fish were going to mutilate our legs off but we survived that stage and..

had a good relaxing 30 minutes of Godzilla fish chomping on our toes and leg hair! hahahahaa!!

And so the story of my wonderful quiet peaceful birthday ended with me having HORRIBLE FOOD POISONING!!! i vomited like 4 times and diarrhea and tummy cramps and end of the day my legs were like jelly and i was literally crying buckets of tears on the bed with my mom by my side saying i'm such a big baby...
and so, it kinda ended with a BANG!! on the toilet seat that is...

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