hey pepz, this ain't a movie review blog so dont get mixed up.
This has been on my mind for quite sometime but never blogged about it until now.
Point no.1 whats the big deal about bf/gf living together if both parties are mature and in a healthy relationship?
"CERTAIN" ppl have voiced their concerns and complaints to me recently..
the usual reasons are to get to know each other more, saving money, testing the relationship, making things easier and bla bla...
and of couse easier access to SEX!
hey, dont call me pervert, i aint ancient or naive.
ask any teen or young adult doing it and they would secretly agree with me 100%
my comment: SO what?
but hello Sandra ur a christian..aren't Christians suppose to be squeaky clean and steer away from all things sinful and bad?
well, i certainly dont encourage young couples to go purposely move in and devote the rest of their lives to that 1 person they are living with.
in things like these one must have common sense and never let feelings cloud one's judgements.
i know of 1 couple who live together and abuse each other physically n verbally daily ( and they are barely 19!) those who are too young and naive to think that living together means happily ever after are SUCH FOOLS!
if ur in deep shit please don't close ur eyes, GET OUTTA the pile of shit ur sitting in..don't go drowning deeper into it.
anyways.back to topic, 2nd thing on my mind is the issue abt doing IT before marriage.
my comment again: So what?
before u start bombarding me with having loose morals, listen to me.
the big fact in life (also seen in Glee) sorry to burst ur bubble is ABSTINENCE doesn't work lah.
look at the media that surrounds us, the culture and pressure that teens are facing!
SEX is shoved down their throats and being idolised like it was helluva great
many a times people get caught up in situations they are confused or cant avoid and the heat of the moment overthrows the logical sense in most ppl (including old ppl)
i would never point fingers to a girl and say- "OMG, how could u lose ur virginity to that loser..what were u thinking?"
If it was a mistake then let bygones be bygones. what is done cannot be undone. virginity is just a term. dont be quick to label a girl as loose/cheap if she is no longer a virgin. HELLO!! who are u to judge. Let him who never sin cast the first stone.
then again, i beg u who are still virgins to hold on to what u have for what is lost can NEVER be yours again.
be wise who u choose to share it with and certainly it would be best if u really waited for Mr.Right/ Ms Right to come along cause its like this beautiful present u can give whole not torn apart and cellophane back again and again..its not worth giving it to a guy who claims "he loves u" and the only way to prove it is to consume that love in bed! omg..cheesy shit line. NEVER fall for that!
For those who have crossed the line, life goes on but there is a tingle in the heart wishing to turn back time and make everything right. i wish u luck in finding a life partner who will accept u as who you are and not expect more than u can give. u are precious and u are not a penny less worth in God's eyes. =)
in the end- TO DO it or NOT?
its a personal choice but think with ur brain not with ur heart for sex isn't something hot and fun and physical. MTV and movies make it sound so hyped up exciting but it ain't so much like what the world proclaims.
a close fren said: sex is fun but waiting anxiously for my period to come is traumatic and horrifying each month. if something goes wrong, what could u do? 2 wrongs don't make a right.
someday u look back and realise that sex IS spiritual, not 2 bodies but 2 souls intertwined and it will hurt badly if misused for selfish reasons and wrong people. =(
please use contraception but then again there is no such thing as safe sex.
physically everybody is ready (take a look u have the basic equipment eh?) but are u mentally mature to handle the consequences? think hard...
for those who are doing it let nobody stop u from being happy except urself if u feel deep down its wrong. there are plenty of couples who do it and finally get married and produce wonderful loving families!!
LOVE AND LUST are 2 different things. SEX doesn't represent= LOVE. don't be stupid. dont regret ur stupidity in old age.
this is just my 2 cents worth, never meant to point to anything or anybody.
So,What do u think about it?